Sharon Giltrow’s Publishing Journey
So far on my publishing journey I have published three picture books and one early middle grade book. My first two picture books were published through EK Books an imprint of Exisle. When the CEO of Exisle asked me ‘would you like to be involved with helping different people writing for children’. I jumped at the chance. And what better way to help then share my publishing journey.

Each of my books have had a different pathway to publishing as I’m sure yours will. In this article I am focusing on my first book BEDTIME, DADDY! and its journey, which began in 2017. It is on this journey that I knew the least and learnt the most about publishing.
Every journey has a beginning. Mine started with the very ordinary routine of my husband putting our children to bed. Where I asked, ‘What if our son put his daddy to bed?’ This became the idea for my story. On your journey be open to ideas. Ideas are all around you. Keep a notebook to write your ideas in.
Once I had my idea, I accepted the mission to write my story. My writing process always starts with brainstorming the idea, researching the idea and mapping out the narrative ARC. Then I start writing. On your journey don’t try and get the story perfect the first time that is why it is called a first draft. Writing is like any skill it takes practice. The more you write the better you will become. Don’t give up, believe in yourself! You can do it!
After I was happy with my first draft I gathered my allies, my critique group. I needed to transform my meh first draft into a polished story. This took a lot of revision. I took my critique groups suggestions and used the ones that rung true. Then I let the story sit for a couple of months, re-visited it and revised it again. Until I was happy to start submitting it to publishers. On your journey become an ‘active’ member of the writing community. Find yourself a critique group. Surround yourself with like-minded writers.
Fast forward to June 2018. Fourteen months after writing the first draft, I submitted BEDTIME, DADDY! to EK Books. Two weeks later I received ‘the email’ that every writer dreams of. EK Books loved my story, and they were taking it to acquisition. After thirteen rejections from numerous publishers my story had finally found the right publisher. I calmly replied to the email and then waited for EK’s reply. I checked my emails every hour of every day until I received the contract two months later. On your journey you will need to show patience even if you aren’t feeling patient. You will need to tackle the problem of rejections and finding the right publisher for your story. Remember you have the ability, tools and allies to overcome this problem.
My dream of becoming a published author was about to come true. But what did that mean. I had no idea what the process was once I signed the contract. Luckily, I was a member of a debut picture book group. We were all first-time authors and we supported each other. I had a safe place to ask questions. I also asked Anouska from EK Books lots of questions. The main one being ‘what happens now’? Anouska outlined the process from start to finish and answered my almost weekly questions. On your journey don’t be afraid to ask questions. This is how you learn, and other people want to help you.
EK Books found an amazing illustrator, Katrin Dreiling, who loved my story as much as we did. Anouska shared the first sketches of the characters. Katrin had been asked to do sketches of people and bears. Although I had always pictured the characters as people, Anouska explained that bears would make a more universal family. I agreed. As Anouska had many years of publishing experience I trusted her decision. On your journey sometimes you will have to compromise and let your story go to make it even better.
Once the characters had been chosen, Katrin got to work on the storyboard for the whole story. Again, I had to show great patience as the illustration process was to take about eighteen months. EK Books encourages their authors to be part of the illustration process and to give feedback on the illustrations, which is great. Not all publishers do this. On your journey embrace the opportunity to work as a team.
Twenty-one months after signing the contract BEDTME DADDY was released. I finally held my book baby in my hands. It was the one of the happiest days of my life. My publishing journey changed me as a person. I am not the same person I was seven years ago when my journey began. Luckily my publishing journey continued after BEDTIME, DADDY!
So, what are you waiting for begin your journey today.
How do you find a critique group